
Dan Valentin Palcu

During my PhD, I focused on the Miocene stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Paratethys Sea of inner Eurasia. While I consider my project to be hugely successful, providing paleomagnetic ages for seven regional stratigraphic boundaries, I had to step beyond the studyof Paratethys and take advantage of my particular expertise in anoxic basins and my background in paleomagnetism.

Presently, I am a Postdoc Fellow in the Oceanographic Institute of the University of Sao Paulo. My work focuses on the rock and environmental magnetism study of stratigraphic record from oceanic, epicontinental seas and endorheic lakes. I am particularly interested in the characterizing onset and end of anoxia in these records. As the Fe cycle is one of the most affected by anoxic episodes, I try to identify particular iron minerals within the transition zones between anoxic and oxic environments with the ultimate goal of achieving a complete and reliable paleomagnetic proxy for anoxic environments in marine, hypersaline and brackish-lacustrine settings.

My long-term goal is to develop a reliable coefficient that expresses the oceanic connectivity and identifies the “intervals” were reduced connectivity triggers anoxia. Ideally, this would belinked with a set of proxies, including paleomagnetic ones. While most of my work on the marine connections’ classification is at an advanced stage, the ocean connectivity component is under development.


Graduação: University of Bucharest, Romênia
Título/Grande Área: Geophysical methods for the identification of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) contamination plumes near industrial installations - a feasibility study
Doutorado: Graduate School of Geosciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
2013 - 2018
Título/Grande Área: The Dire Straits of Paratethys : Dating, matching and modeling connectivity between the Miocene seas of Eurasia
Pós Doutorado: Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
2019 - 2022
Título/Grande Área: A paleomagnetic component for a proxy of water stratification and anoxia in the sedimentary archives of oceans and epicontinental seas
